Emotional Outburst: Referee Deniz Aytekin Criticizes Manuel Gräfe | Bayern's Defeat

Emotions Run High in the Catacombs

Referee Deniz Aytekin's Outburst in Bayern's Locker Room After Defeat: "Manuel Gräfe is Talking Bullshit"

In a setback for FC Bayern's title campaign, they suffered a defeat against RB Leipzig on Saturday evening. However, it wasn't the players or officials of the record champions who lost their cool in the catacombs; instead, it was referee Deniz Aytekin. The 44-year-old vented his frustration against former referee Manuel Gräfe but later expressed remorse.

Emotions Run High in the Catacombs

Following FC Bayern's loss to RB Leipzig (1-3), there was a heated exchange in the catacombs. This was not only due to the Munich team's lacklustre performance but also because of the visibly agitated referee Deniz Aytekin. He passionately criticized former referee Manuel Gräfe, to the extent that Bayern player Thomas Müller even interrupted a TV interview. In the background, Aytekin was heard saying, "Manuel Gräfe sits in Berlin with his 180 kilograms and talks bullshit. I've had enough of it. It's insane."

Aytekin Reacts to Goretzka Incident

The trigger for Aytekin's outburst was his explanation for not penalizing a shirt pull by Amadou Haidara on Leon Goretzka. Subsequently, Leipzig scored the equalizing goal (1-1). The 44-year-old referee was approached by ZDF in the locker room about the incident, after Gräfe had already made a statement, saying, "It's also a shirt tug, a brief hold. Play continues, and Leipzig scores from that situation. Goretzka is clearly held; the shirt is stretched. It's certainly far from the ball. There have been similar incidents in recent weeks where it was said: Far from the ball is not relevant. Personally, I find the consistency lacking." These words infuriated Aytekin.

Aytekin's Apology and Reflection

Furthermore, the referee heard swearing, saying, "And now I'm supposed to stand here and talk shit about a little tug? This has nothing to do with sports anymore. The game was decided by the players." A day after his outburst, Aytekin addressed the situation again, expressing remorse in an interview with Bild TV. He stated, "Firstly, I genuinely apologize for making that statement. It is not my nature to lose control like that," and added, "I want to be absolutely clear in my apology for the choice of words; it was completely uncalled for. I am extremely disappointed with myself." Aytekin mentioned that he had already sent a message to Gräfe and that a phone call was planned because "that's the right thing to do."

Despite his apology, Aytekin reiterated his criticism, albeit in a more restrained manner. He acknowledged Gräfe as "one of Germany's top referees" and stated, "I respect what he has achieved." However, Aytekin continued, "Recurring polarizing statements, which are sometimes incorrect and lacking expertise, simply hurt because one knows that it's not about the issue itself but about emotions being carried out at our expense." He expressed his regret that "he had been a part of us for years." Aytekin also emphasized that there is significant room for improvement within the refereeing community, stating, "It doesn't help when such a top professional from the past constantly makes statements with the sole purpose of dividing us."

Popular Questions:

Q1: What triggered referee Deniz Aytekin's emotional outburst in Bayern's locker room after the defeat against RB Leipzig?

A1: Referee Deniz Aytekin's emotional outburst was triggered by his disagreement with former referee Manuel Gräfe's controversial statement regarding a shirt pull incident involving Leon Goretzka. The incident led to an equalizing goal for RB Leipzig.

Q2: How did Bayern Munich players respond to referee Deniz Aytekin's outburst?

A2: Bayern player Thomas Müller interrupted a TV interview in response to referee Deniz Aytekin's outburst, reflecting the intensity of the situation. The incident highlighted the emotional atmosphere in the locker room following the defeat.

Q3: Did referee Deniz Aytekin apologize for his outburst?

A3: Yes, referee Deniz Aytekin expressed remorse for his choice of words and apologized for his outburst in an interview with Bild TV. He acknowledged his lack of control and disappointment in himself, emphasizing that his words were uncalled for. Aytekin also reached out to Manuel Gräfe to address the situation.


Aytekin's emotional outburst directed at Manuel Gräfe in Bayern Munich's locker room following their defeat against RB Leipzig has sparked controversy. Although he later expressed regret for his choice of words, Aytekin maintained his criticism of Gräfe's polarizing statements. As the referee community strives for improvement, such incidents highlight the need for constructive dialogue and a focus on the development of the sport.

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