Black Aragorn in ‘Lord of the Rings’ card game receiving backlash

Why is Black Aragorn in Lord of the Rings card game receiving backlash?

Black Aragorn in Lord of the Rings card game
The recent announcement that Aragorn would be portrayed as a black man in the upcoming Magic: The Gathering card game has sparked a wave of backlash from fans of the popular fantasy series. While some have praised the decision as a step towards greater representation in gaming, others have accused Wizards of the Coast of whitewashing the character and disrespecting the author’s vision.

The Controversy

The controversy began when Wizards of the Coast released a teaser image of the new Aragorn card on Twitter. The image, which depicts a black man with dreadlocks and a goatee, quickly went viral, with many fans expressing their disapproval. Some argued that the change was unnecessary and disrespectful to Tolkien’s vision for the character, while others claimed that it was a form of “woke” pandering.

The backlash has been particularly fierce on social media, with many fans taking to Twitter and Reddit to express their anger. One user wrote, “This is an insult to Tolkien’s work and to the fans who have loved Aragorn for decades.” Another user added, “This is just another example of Hollywood trying to erase white people from history.”

The Response

Wizards of the Coast has defended its decision to portray Aragorn as a black man, arguing that it was made in the interest of diversity and representation. “We want our games to reflect the world we live in, and that includes a diverse cast of characters,” said a spokesperson for the company. “We believe that this new version of Aragorn will resonate with a new generation of fans.”

The company has also pointed out that Tolkien himself was not averse to portraying characters of different races. In a letter written in 1954, Tolkien wrote that the Numenoreans, Aragorn’s ancestors, were “of a race that was fair-skinned and dark-haired.” However, he also noted that “there were many variations in hair and skin color among the Numenoreans, and some were even black.”

  • The fact that Aragorn is a fictional character means that there is no one definitive answer to the question of what his race should be. Tolkien himself never explicitly stated Aragorn’s race, leaving it open to interpretation.
  • The decision to portray Aragorn as a black man in the Magic: The Gathering card game is part of a larger trend in popular culture towards greater representation of minority groups. This trend has been met with both praise and criticism, with some arguing that it is a positive step towards a more inclusive society, while others believe that it is a form of political correctness.
  • The controversy over Black Aragorn is a reminder of the complex and often divisive issue of race in modern society. It is a debate that is likely to continue for many years to come.


The controversy over Black Aragorn is likely to continue for some time. While some fans will be happy to see the character portrayed in a new light, others will continue to feel that the change is a betrayal of Tolkien’s vision. Ultimately, it is up to each individual fan to decide how they feel about the new Aragorn.

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