Jennie of Blackpink Makes Hollywood Debut in The Idol

Jennie of Blackpink has opened up  About Her Hollywood Debut in The Idol is set to premiere on HBO Max in 2023.

Jennie Blackpink Hollywood Debut

In an interview with British Vogue, Jennie said that she was "excited and nervous" about the role. "It's a new challenge for me," she said. "I've never done anything like this before."

The Idol is a drama series created by The Weeknd and Sam Levinson. It follows a female pop star who falls in love with a Los Angeles club owner who is also a cult leader. Jennie plays the role of Lily, a rising K-pop star who is recruited by the club owner.

Jennie said that she was drawn to the role because of its "dark and twisted" nature. "I've never played a character like this before," she said. "She's very complex and I'm excited to explore her journey."

Jennie on Her Excitement for the Role

Jennie said that she was "excited and nervous" about the role in "The Idol." "It's a new challenge for me," she said. "I've never done anything like this before."

Jennie said that she was drawn to the role because of its "dark and twisted" nature. "I've never played a character like this before," she said. "She's very complex and I'm excited to explore her journey."

Jennie on Her Preparation for the Role

Jennie said that she did a lot of research for the role, including watching documentaries about cults. She also worked with a dialect coach to perfect her American accent.

"I wanted to make sure that I was doing the role justice," she said. "I wanted to make sure that I was believable as a K-pop star and as a cult member."

Jennie on Her Co-Stars

Jennie said that she was "excited" to work with The Weeknd and Sam Levinson. "They're both so talented," she said. "I learned a lot from them."

Jennie also said that she was "excited" to work with her co-stars, including Lily Rose Depp and Troye Sivan. "They're all so talented and I'm excited to see what we can create together," she said.

Jennie on Her Expectations for the Show

Jennie said that she expects "The Idol" to be a "dark and twisted" drama series. "It's not going to be for everyone," she said. "But I think it's going to be a really interesting show."

Jennie also said that she expects "The Idol" to be a "global" show. "It's a show that people from all over the world can relate to," she said. "I think it's going to be a really big hit."

Jennie on Her Advice to Aspiring Actors

Jennie said that her advice to aspiring actors is to "never give up." "It's a tough industry, but if you're passionate about it, you can do it," she said.

Jennie also said that aspiring actors should "be yourself." "Don't try to be someone you're not," she said. "The industry can smell a fake a mile away."


Jennie of Blackpink is making her Hollywood debut in the upcoming drama series "The Idol." Jennie is excited about the role and is confident that she can do it justice. She is also excited to work with The Weeknd and Sam Levinson, as well as her co-stars Lily Rose Depp and Troye Sivan. Jennie expects "The Idol" to be a dark and twisted drama series that will appeal to people from all over the world. She also has advice for aspiring actors: never give up and be yourself.

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