Low Voter Turnout in Sicily: Reasons and Impact

Only 45% of registered voters cast their ballots in the first round of elections, down from 52% in 2018.

Low Voter Turnout in Sicily

Low voter turnout in Sicily

The voter turnout in Sicily for the local elections on Sunday was lower than in previous years. According to the Interior Ministry, by 19:00, only 44.6% of eligible voters had cast their ballots. This is a decrease of 2.5 percentage points from the 2018 local elections.

The low voter turnout was particularly evident in the city of Catania, where only 38.2% of eligible voters had cast their ballots by 19:00. This is the lowest voter turnout in Catania for a local election since 1994.

Reasons for low voter turnout

There are a number of reasons for the low voter turnout in Sicily. One reason is that many Sicilians are simply not interested in local politics. They feel that their vote does not make a difference and that the local government is corrupt and ineffective.

Another reason for the low voter turnout is that many Sicilians are disillusioned with the political process. They feel that the major political parties are all the same and that they offer no real choice.

Finally, the low voter turnout may also be due to the fact that the local elections were held on the same day as the European Parliament elections. This may have led some voters to choose to vote in the European Parliament elections instead of the local elections.

Impact of low voter turnout

The low voter turnout in Sicily has a number of implications. First, it means that the elected officials will not have a strong mandate from the people. This could make it difficult for them to govern effectively.

Second, the low voter turnout could lead to a decline in public trust in the local government. This could make it more difficult for the government to get things done.

Finally, the low voter turnout could lead to a rise in political apathy. This could make it even more difficult to get people involved in the political process.


The low voter turnout in Sicily is a serious problem. It is important to address the reasons for the low voter turnout and to find ways to increase voter participation. If voter turnout does not increase, it will be difficult to improve the quality of life in Sicily.

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