Will Turkey vote Erdogan out of power, and would he allow it?

Will Turkey vote Erdogan out of power

Turkey, a country that sits at the intersection of Europe and Asia, has been under the leadership of Recep Tayyip Erdogan for almost two decades. Erdogan, who has been in power since 2003, has faced several challenges to his leadership over the years. With the upcoming elections, many are wondering if Turkey will vote Erdogan out of power and, if so, whether he would accept the results.

Erdogan has been a controversial figure in Turkish politics. While he has been praised for his efforts to modernize the country and improve the economy, he has also been criticized for his authoritarian tendencies and his crackdown on dissent. In recent years, Erdogan has faced significant challenges to his leadership, including mass protests in 2013 and a failed coup attempt in 2016.

The Upcoming Election

The upcoming election in Turkey is scheduled for 2023. Erdogan's ruling party, the AKP, has won every election since 2002, but there are signs that his popularity may be waning. The country is facing economic challenges, with high inflation and high unemployment, and Erdogan's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic has also been criticized.

The Opposition

The main opposition party in Turkey is the Republican People's Party (CHP). While the party has been unable to defeat Erdogan in previous elections, they have been gaining ground in recent years. In the 2019 local elections, the CHP won the mayorship of Istanbul, Turkey's largest city, which was seen as a significant blow to Erdogan's ruling party.

Erdogan's Response

It is unclear how Erdogan would respond if he were to lose the election. In the past, he has been accused of cracking down on dissent and suppressing opposition voices. Some fear that he may refuse to accept the results of the election if he loses.


The upcoming election in Turkey will be a significant test for Erdogan and his ruling party. While they have been successful in previous elections, they are facing significant challenges this time around. It remains to be seen whether Erdogan will be able to maintain his grip on power, and if he does lose, how he will respond.

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